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Bumperkleef filmposter
Bumperkleef (Tailgate) poster Zuid-Korea
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Bumperkleef Ausser-Kontrolle-Halt-Nicht-An
Bumperkleef, el-conductort-spanje.jpg
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BUMPERKLEEF (TAILGATE) poster Hong Kong Macau
Year: 2019
Director: Lodewijk Crijns
Writer: Lodewijk Crijns
Stars: Jeroen Spitzenberger, Anniek Pheifer, Roosmarijn van der Hoek, Liz Vergeer, Willem de Wolf

Producer: Topkapi Films
BUMPERKLEEF (TAILGATE) is about a self-confident man, on his way – together with his family – for a Sunday visit to his parents. He gets into a traffic fight with another driver Ed, who in revenge starts to follow the family and confronts Hans with his ego. As Hans starts to lose control of the situation and his family, Ed pushes him until nothing but the fearful, vulnerable child he once was remains.

BUMPERKLEEF (TAILGATE) has been released in the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Germany, United Kingdom, Russia, Australia, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea and China (including Hong Kong & Macau).

● Winner Golden Calf for Best Sound Design, NFF (Nederlands Film Festival) 2020
● Nominations for Best Film, Best Directing, Best Original Score, 
   Best Cinematography at NFF 2020
● Winner Best Dutch Film 2019 by Association Dutch Film Journalists (KNF)

Laureaat Gouden Kalf 2020 PS.png

Trailer with Japanese subs

Bumperkleef poster Russia.jpg
Bumperkleef Amazone UK.jpg

Trailer with English subs

Dutch trailer

Bumperkleef, tailgate1, poster.webp
Emmy Award, Audionabewerking, Geluidsnabewerking, Sound Design, Studio Vermaas
Gouden Kalf, Audionabewerking, Geluidsnabewerking, Sound Design, Studio Vermaas

awarded films

EFTA Award
Woodstock Award
Zlin IFFF Award, Audionabewerking, Geluidsnabewerking, Sound Design, Studio Vermaas
Karlovy Vary IFF Award, Audionabewerking, Geluidsnabewerking, Sound Design, Studio Vermaas
Studio Vermaas logo, Creative Post
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