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SILK ROAD, Studio Vermaas, Sound Design, Audionabewerking


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Year: 2017
Director: Mark de Cloe
Writers: Marc and Roeland Linssen
Stars: Olivia Lonsdale, Gijs Blom, Jonas Smulders, Phi Nhuyen, Marcel Hensema, Melody Klaver
Producer: Rinkel Film, KRO-NCRV
A psychological thriller inspired by the life of Michael S., a small-town boy from Holland, who became the world's most wanted cybercriminal.

When a 20-year old girl meets the charismatic boy living across the street, it starts her on the road to becoming a successful drug dealer on Silk Road. Along the way she gets caught up in a dangerous cat-and-mouse game played by police, criminals, and her own boyfriend. How far will she go? Who can she trust – and just who is using who?

Winner Da Vinci Award for Best Female Performance at Milano International Film Festival 2017

Emmy Award, Audionabewerking, Geluidsnabewerking, Sound Design, Studio Vermaas
Gouden Kalf, Audionabewerking, Geluidsnabewerking, Sound Design, Studio Vermaas

awarded films

EFTA Award
Woodstock Award
Zlin IFFF Award, Audionabewerking, Geluidsnabewerking, Sound Design, Studio Vermaas
Karlovy Vary IFF Award, Audionabewerking, Geluidsnabewerking, Sound Design, Studio Vermaas
Studio Vermaas logo, Creative Post
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